Full Funding for the Public Housing Program and Other Housing Assistance Programs and Greater Ability to Make Local Decisions

Adopted at the 75th Winter Meeting in 2007

  • WHEREAS, Mayors are committed to ensuring affordable housing opportunities for low income families and individuals, including the elderly and disabled, in our nation's cities; and

    WHEREAS, there are a number of programs funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development that provide a continuum of housing assistance to our nation's most vulnerable citizens, including public housing assistance, Section 8 housing choice voucher assistance, Section 8 project based contracts, and Homeless Assistance Grants; and

    WHEREAS, the public housing program provides homes for 1.1 million low income families, over half of whom are elderly or disabled; and

    WHEREAS, public housing is a national asset worth over $100 billion; and

    WHEREAS, the Public Housing Operating Fund supports the operation of public housing, including maintenance, security, and social services for residents; and

    WHEREAS, since 2003, public housing residents have been shorted $1.16 billion in funding for the Public Housing Operating Fund; and

    WHEREAS, on December 28, 2006, HUD notified housing authorities that the operating fund would be funded at 76% of the need to run safe, decent housing in calendar year 2007-a $1.0 billion shortfall; and

    WHEREAS, HUD is attempting to implement a new and inflexible Public Housing Operating Fund Rule that will require housing authorities to spend significantly more to operate than under the existing system; and

    WHEREAS, the Moving to Work Program has been proven to be successful and enables housing authorities to operate more cost effectively and in accordance with needs of their residents and communities; and

    WHEREAS, the Public Housing Capital Fund supports the capital needs of public housing; and

    WHEREAS, there is an estimated backlog of capital improvements needs for public housing estimated between $18 and 20 billion; and

    WHEREAS, funding allocated by Congress for the Capital Fund has decreased 24% since 2001 despite the burgeoning backlog of capital needs; and Error! Unknown document property name.

    WHEREAS, the HOPE VI program provides grants to local housing authorities to redevelop severely distressed public housing developments by leveraging public and private funds; and

    WHEREAS, the proposed fiscal year 2007 HUD budget seeks to eliminate funding for the HOPE VI program; and

    WHEREAS, in addition to public housing, the Section 8 HCV Program provides assistance for almost two million families to rent apartments in the private market; and

    WHEREAS, ending chronic homelessness requires coordination at all levels of government, together with community institutions to determine how best to provide a continuum of housing opportunities, many of which are provided by the public housing and Section 8 programs, that will enable families and individuals to transition out of homelessness to independence; and

    WHEREAS, Congress should include in its Continuing Resolution additional funding and flexibility in fiscal year 2007 for these housing programs to ensure low income households have the housing assistance they need. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports full funding of the Operating Fund in fiscal year 2007 at $4.536 billion; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports a delay in the implementation of the Public Housing Operating Fund Rule until the new rule can be tested and proven to be effective; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports full funding of the Capital Fund at $3.5 billion; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports funding the HOPE VI program at $600 million; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports the extension and expansion of the Moving to Work Program under the same terms and conditions to enable housing authorities to respond flexibly to the needs of their residents and local communities and operate more cost effectively in today's tight fiscal environment; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports an additional $487 million to the Section 8 housing choice voucher account over the renewal of the fiscal year 2006 funding level to in order to enable housing authorities to maintain existing vouchers; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports an additional $636 million to the Section 8 project based contracts account over the renewal of the fiscal year 2006 funding level to in order to prevent the termination of more than 107,000 project based section 8 units; and

    the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports an additional $185 million to the Homeless Assistance Grants account over the renewal of the fiscal year 2006 funding level to alleviate the plight of more than 14,000 homeless individuals.

    the U.S. Conference Mayors supports funding for housing authorities to perform criminal background investigations for public housing and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.

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