Rochester Hills (MI)

Statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors on Tragic Events in Minneapolis

Washington, DC —Below is a statement by Bryan K. Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills, MI and President of the United States Conference of Mayors, on the tragic events in Minneapolis: “What took place in Minneapolis should never happen in this country. America’s mayors mourn for George Floyd and grieve with the loved ones he left

By |2020-05-27T21:25:20-04:00May 27, 2020|News|

ADVISORY: America’s Mayors, Fire Fighters Call for Direct Federal Aid to Ensure Public Safety During this Pandemic

COVID-19 has impacted police and fire services in cities across the country Washington, D.C.— On Wednesday, May 27th, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) will hold a media conference call at 12:00 p.m. ET to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the economic reaction on public safety in cities across America. The

By |2020-05-26T16:13:19-04:00May 26, 2020|Media Advisories|

Nation’s Mayors Applaud House Passage of the HEROES Act

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Conference of Mayors President and Rochester Hills (MI) Mayor Bryan K. Barnett released the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of the HEROES Act, the 4th COVID-19 supplemental package which allocates $187.5 billion for local governments leading the pandemic response on the ground: “Mayors across the country are

By |2020-05-15T22:38:05-04:00May 15, 2020|News, Press Room|

Red State Mayors: This Crisis is Devastating Cites Everywhere

In Media Call, USCM Renews Appeal for Direct Funding for Cities of All Sizes Washington, D.C.— Yesterday, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) hosted a media conference call urging Congress to provide direct assistance to cities of all sizes in its next coronavirus response package. The call featured mayors from Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, and Florida

By |2020-05-13T14:15:19-04:00May 13, 2020|News, Press Room|

Nation’s Mayors Applaud House Introduction of The Heroes Act

Washington, DC—Below is a statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors President and Rochester Hills (MI) Mayor Bryan K. Barnett on the Heroes Act, the 4th COVID-19 supplemental package introduced today by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which allocates $187.5 billion for local governments leading the pandemic response on the ground: “Mayors across the country are grateful

By |2020-05-12T18:40:19-04:00May 12, 2020|News, Press Room|

ADVISORY: Red State Mayors to Call on Congress to Provide Urgent Aid to Cities

Pandemic has strained resources in cities of all sizes, in every state Washington, D.C.— On Tuesday, May 12th, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) will hold a media conference call at 11:00 a.m. ET to discuss the urgent need for Congress to provide federal assistance to cities of all sizes in its next coronavirus response package. Every city in

By |2020-05-12T18:40:59-04:00May 11, 2020|Media Advisories|

The U.S. Conference of Mayors Launches COVID-19 Fiscal Pain Tracker

New Resource Tracks City-Specific Budget Deficits and Budget-Balancing Measures Including Layoffs, Furloughs and Service Cuts Washington, DC—Today, the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) launched the Mayors COVID-19 Fiscal Pain Tracker, a resource that provides accounts from 150 individual cities of the significant revenue losses cities are experiencing due to the COVID-19 crisis. The Tracker,

By |2020-05-11T10:38:47-04:00May 11, 2020|News, Press Room|

U.S. Conference of Mayors and NYU-Affiliated Institutions Announce the Mayors Advisory Panel on Sports, Recreation & Health

Will advise mayors, sports, and recreation officials on safe reopening policies Washington, DC—A high-level advisory group of some of the country’s leading public health and sports experts has been established to advise mayors and sports and recreation officials on safe policies and practices as cities reopen from the COVID-19 pandemic. The newly-established U.S. Conference of

By |2020-05-07T17:35:15-04:00May 7, 2020|News, Press Room|

United States Conference of Mayors Requests $250 Billion in Localized Aid to Fight Virus, Maintain City Services, Help Workers and Local Businesses

WASHINGTON, DC – As lawmakers deliberate on the next phase of the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) has sent an urgent request for resources to House and Senate leaders. Mayors and local officials are on the front lines of this battle, and they are asking lawmakers to prioritize

Nation’s Mayors to Congress: Direct Funding to Cities Critical to Coronavirus Response

Washington, DC—Below is a statement from Bryan K. Barnett, President of the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) and Mayor of Rochester Hills, MI, on the reported bipartisan agreement Congress reached today on a package to combat the coronavirus. Earlier today, USCM sent a letter to both the House and Senate calling on lawmakers to

By |2020-03-04T18:20:19-05:00March 4, 2020|News, Press Room|

In Bipartisan Letter, Mayors Support House Leaders’ Infrastructure Framework

WASHINGTON – The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), led by President Bryan Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills, MI, pledged support for a House leaders’ infrastructure framework and offered assistance to help move the legislation forward this year. One week ago, three key House committee chairs released a comprehensive package of infrastructure investments and reforms,

Statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors President on Signing of USMCA Legislation

Washington, DC -- Below is a statement by Bryan K. Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills (MI) and President of the United States Conference of Mayors on today’s signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) implementation legislation by President Trump: “The nation’s mayors applaud President Trump for signing the legislation to implement USMCA. This new bipartisan

By |2020-01-29T21:09:29-05:00January 29, 2020|News, Press Room|

Statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors President on White House Meeting

Washington, DC -- Below is a statement by Bryan K. Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills (MI) and President of the United States Conference of Mayors on the meeting a delegation of mayors had with President Trump at the White House on Friday, January 24, 2020. “This past Friday, mayors from across the country had the

By |2020-01-28T10:49:20-05:00January 28, 2020|88th Winter Meeting (2020), News, Press Room|

NEW POLL: Climate Change, Gun Violence the Defining Issues for Young Voters

U.S. Conference of Mayors Releases Survey of Young Voters; Concerns Mirror Priorities of the US Conference of Mayors, Demonstrate Need for Youth Engagement Washington, D.C. – Today, at their 88th Winter Meeting, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) released the results of a survey of voters aged 18-29, highlighting the concerns of younger Americans and underscoring

By |2020-01-25T12:01:49-05:00January 24, 2020|88th Winter Meeting (2020), News, Press Room, Youth Involvement|

Report: As Climate Change Threatens Cities, Mayors are Taking Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new report released today by the Alliance for a Sustainable Future – a joint effort from the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) – shows that America’s mayors are stepping up and taking action to reduce carbon pollution in the absence of federal

By |2020-01-25T12:02:35-05:00January 23, 2020|88th Winter Meeting (2020), News, Press Room|

Mayors to Bring Bipartisan Solutions to Nation’s Capital

Mayor Bryan K. Barnett Will Lead the 88th U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting in Washington, DC, Bringing Together Local and Federal Leaders January 22-24, 2020 Capital Hilton | Washington, DC Washington, D.C. – With mayoral leadership ascendant in America, hundreds of mayors from across the country are set to gather for the U.S Conference of Mayors’

By |2020-01-21T11:29:50-05:00January 14, 2020|88th Winter Meeting (2020), Media Advisories, Press Room|

Nation’s Mayors Applaud House Passage of USMCA

Passage of Legislation will Help Cities Grow Their Economies & Increase Jobs Washington, DC—Below is a statement from Bryan K. Barnett, President of the United States Conference of Mayors and Mayor of Rochester Hills (MI) on today’s passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in the U.S. House of Representatives: “The nation’s mayors applaud the

By |2019-12-20T10:57:13-05:00December 20, 2019|News, Press Room|
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